
Under the Agreement, the Author grants the Publisher a non-exclusive license to use the Work.

a) The Agreement is concluded:

b) The Agreement applies in the following fields of exploitation:

  1. with respect to fixing and reproducing the Work – using a specific technique to make copies of the Work, including printing, reprographic, magnetic recording and digital technique;

  2. with respect to trading in an original or copies of the object on which the Work is fixed – placing on the market, lending, or renting the original or copies;

  3. with respect to other forms of distribution of the Work than that referred to in point 2 – public performance, exhibition, display, screening, replaying, broadcasting and re-broadcasting, as well as communicating the Work to the public on the Internet. 

c) The Publisher is granted the right to grant non-exclusive sublicenses to the Work to third parties for an indefinite period, without territorial limitations, in the fields of exploitation specified in the point b), including the license CC BY-NC-ND 4.0.

d) The Publisher is granted the right to commission translations of the Work into various languages and to use the translations free of charge.

e) The Publisher is granted the right to use summaries, excerpts and abridgments of the Work, whether in the original or translation, free of charge, for the purpose of promoting the „Miejsce” journal. This usage encompasses the fields of exploitation specified in point b).