Krzysztof Pijarski

Artist working mainly with photography, Assistant Professor at the Lodz Film School, art historian, memeber of the editorial team of „Widok” journal. Director of the Visual Narratives Laboratory. Recipient of a Fulbright Junior Research Grant at Hohns Hopkins University (2009–2010), and grants, among others, from the Polish Minister of Science and Higher Education, the Minister of Culture and National Heritage, and the Shpilman Institute of Photography.

Authored a monograph on modernism as seen through the the dual prism of the figure of Michael Fried and photography as a technology that changed our understanding of art (Archeologia modernizmu. Michael Fried i nowoczesne doświadczenie sztuki [An Archeology of Modernism. Michael Fried, Photography, and the Modern Experience of Art], 2017), as well as (Post)Modern Fate of Images: Allan Sekula / Thomas Struth (2013). Edited the volumes Object Lessons: Zofia Rydet’s „Sociological Record” (2017) and The Archive as Project (2011). A collection of his translations of essays by Allan Sekula was published by the Warsaw University Press in 2010.