For footnotes please follow the MHRA Style Guide available here:

Additional footnoting remarks
Please use Ibid. to refer to a work referenced directly in the previous footnote.
Do not use “op. cit.” to refer to a previously footnoted work – please use relevant MHRA Style Guide guidelines: http://​www​.mhra​.org​.uk/​s​t​y​l​e​/​1​1.3

Titles in the main text
Please use italics for titles of books, magazines, newspapers, and artworks.
Please use single quotation marks for titles of press articles and individual texts in an edited volume, as well as all other parts of a larger body, such as chapters of a book, songs on an album, poems in a poetry collection, etc.

Please use single quotation marks for content quoted from other sources.
Please use double quotation marks for quotation within a quotation.
Punctuation marks are to be placed outside quotation marks unless part of the original quoted sentence, such as full stop.
When quoting a complete sentence, the quote should begin with a capital letter even if placed in the middle of a sentence.
Quoted phrases or parts of sentences should not begin with a capital letter.
If a quote is split in half, the second part of the quote should not be capitalised.
Please use ellipsis consisting of three dots when omitting part of a quoted passage.
Use run-in quotations with quotation marks in the main text for shorter quoted passages (less than 100 words).
Use block quotations without quotation marks for quoted passages longer 100 words. Block quotations are to be set off from the main text with a bigger left-hand margin and potentially a bigger right-hand margin, smaller or different font, reduced line spacing.
Quotations are most frequently introduced with a comma. Colon is used when the quoted passage could stand on its own and to introduce block quotations in most cases.
Do not use introductory punctuation when the quoted passage flows directly from the text.
Foreign language quotations should be translated into English even when no previous translation has been published.

Mark the beginning of a new paragraph with either first-line indent or spacing between paragraphs. Do not use both.
A first-line indent in the first paragraph of a text or subtext is optional.

Non-English words
Any non-English words are to be set in italics.

Use the day-month-year for dates, e.g. 6th September 2019.
Decades should not include an apostrophe, e.g. the 1990s.
Centuries should be written as ordinal numerals without superscript, e.g. the 19th century.
Use an en dash for ranges of years, e.g. 1935–1937.
Use BCE (before the Common Era) and CE (of the Common Era).

Spell out whole numbers from zero to ninety-nine, use numerals for 100 and above.
Spell out large rounded number, e.g. four thousand years, two hundred artists.
Spell out “percent”, do not use %.
Spell out fractions, e.g. two-thirds, one-fourth.
Use an en dash for ranges of years, page numbers, quantities, etc.

En dash
Please use an en dash with spaces before and after, instead of an em dash, to set apart a phrase or a clause.

Please follow the British English (BrE) standard for spelling:

use -re in words such as centre, metre;
use -our in words such as colour;
use -ogue in words such as catalogue;
use -ence in words such as defence, licence;
observe the difference between the verb practise and the noun practice;
use -ise in words such as realise, organise, and -yse in words such as analyse, catalyse, rather than -ize/-yze;

After a short vowel, the final consonant “l” is doubled when adding suffixes:
-ed or -ing to verbs,
-er or -est to adjectives,
-er or -or to form nouns,
e.g. travel – travelled/travelling/traveller, cruel – crueller/cruellest;

Whenever an irregular noun has a double past form, either can be used, e.g. learnt/learned, spelt/spelled;

Other examples of BrE spelling include: aeroplane, aluminium, cheque, cosy, kerb, mould, moustache, sceptical, speciality, tyre.