Zofia nierodzińska

Zofia nierodzińska is an author of texts, curator, cultural worker, artist, activist, deputy director of the Municipal Gallery Arsenal in Poznań between 2017-22. She studied at the University of Arts in Poznan (PhD) and the Universität der Künste in Berlin (MA). She is the curator and co-curator of exhibitions including: „The Romantic Breast Cancer Adventures of Beth Stephens and Annie Sprinkle”, „Creative Sick States: AIDS, CANCER, HIV’ or ‘Politics of (In)Accessibilities, Citizens with Disabilities and Their Allies’ at the Municipal Gallery Arsenal in Poznan. She is the editor-in-chief of the platform on art and activism Magazyn RTV (www​.magazynrtv​.com). She has published inter alia in: dwutygodnik, Czas Kultury, Neues Deutschland, Analyse und Kritik, Missy Magazine, Przegląd Kulturoznawczy, Miejsce and BLOK Magazine. Together with Jacek Zwierzynski, she edited the publications: „Creative Sick States: AIDS, CANCER, HIV and ‘Acting Together’. She is currently working on the publication ‘Politics of (In)Accessibilities’ and on the book ‘Affinity institution’ as a scholarship holder at the Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa. She works as an editor and curator at Berliner Festspiele. For the past few months, after a series of repressions from the authorities and the church and after losing a trial for ‘insulting religious feelings’, she has been living with her partner and dog in Berlin. For her, Polishness is inextricably linked to trauma, so she tries to function in transnational constellations.