Magdalena Tarnowska


Ph.D., is an art historian, certified curator, and graduate of the Fine Arts Department at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń.

In 1993–2008, she worked for the Museum of the Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw, and since 2012, as assistant professor at the History of Art Institute, The Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw. The subjects of her research involve Jewish art in Poland in the 19th and 20th century in the context of European art—including iconography of national identity, art of the Holocaust and art from 1945–1956. She is also professionally interested in the 19th century painting in Warsaw and provenance research. In 2009–2011, she was a member of the Board of Experts in Provenance Studies in Polish Museums in the Area of the Post-Jewish Property of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage. She is a member of the Polish Institute of World Art Studies, the Association of Art Historians, the Polish Association for Jewish Studies, and jury member in the Polish Contest on Knowledge of History and Culture of Polish Jews, organized by the Shalom Foundation.

She has participated in international conferences such as “World Congress of Jewish Studies,” “Hebrew University in Jerusalem; Art of Armenian Diaspora,” “International Congress of Jewish Art, Poland 2008.” She has authored the IV volume of the Polish edition of Archiwum Ringelbluma. Konspiracyjne Archiwum Getta Warszawy, Życie i twórczość Geli Seksztajn [The Ringelblum Archive. Underground Archive of the Warsaw Ghetto, Life and Work of Gela Seksztajn] (Warsaw, 2011) and Artyści żydowscy w Warszawie 1939–1945 [Jewish Artists in Warsaw 1939–1945] (Warsaw, 2015).